Columbia’s Premier Firearms Training Academy

Equipped To Stop The Bleed

Equipped To Stop The Bleed

What would you do if you were out with your buddies having some fun shooting on their property and one of them got accidentally shot? Would you be equipped with the lifesaving tools you need?

I was out to lunch with my buddy today and he was telling me about the last time he was up in the backwoods of Tennessee having some fun shooting with a bunch of friends. They all brought their different guns and were having a ball. They were easily hours from any hospital. I asked him if they had any sort of trauma kit with them in case there was an accident. His answer was no. Kinda what I expected his answer to be.

It got me thinking. How commonplace is it that this goes on? Living here in South Carolina, there are boatloads of places where people can shoot on their own property. We have a good amount of rural country out here and I know many people that don’t need to be a member of any range because they can just shoot on their own property. And, yes, I am a little jealous. Heck, I visit my friend’s mountain house in the mountains of Hendersonville, NC many times a year, and we love to shoot out back in the woods.

Are you one of these lucky people that is able to shoot on yours or a friend’s rural piece of property, or even at an outdoor gun club like Mid Carolina Rifle Club where many times it might just be you and one other person on the property?

If the answer is yes, do you carry a trauma kit just in case there’s an accident and you or someone else gets shot? If not, I don’t think I need to tell you how foolish that is.

Throughout our daily lives, we take precautions to avoid injury or equip ourselves with equipment to resolve a situation. Some of us keep a fire extinguisher near our grills. We wear seatbelts. We wear safety glasses when shooting, or edge trimming the lawn. We wear ear protection when working with loud machinery or shooting at the range. Yet, most of us do not invest as little as 35 bucks to equip ourselves with a trauma kit should somebody get shot while enjoying our hobby.

If this is you, please take a moment and just look up trauma kits on Amazon, buy one, and add it to your range bag. It very well could save someone’s life should the unthinkable happen. This is just one scenario where equipping yourself with a trauma kit is a wise idea. Watch for future Defense Blog posts on other situations where you should really consider having one as well.

Until next time… Be safe,

Joe Shahoud

PS – If you like what you are reading, please forward to someone you know will like it too and encourage them to subscribe. The goal is to raise awareness to as many people as possible. Also, keep in mind that our next Concealed Weapons Permit class is on January 11th. Our CWP refresher class is on the same day. We’d love to have you or your friends become part of the concealed carry community.

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