Columbia’s Premier Firearms Training Academy

Training Journals

When you make the decision to carry a concealed firearm for self defense, you are not just making the decision to strap a gun to your hip, you are embarking on a never-ending, life-changing journey. And, it doesn’t stop there. Journaling this journey – your journey – is as important as the decision itself.   

If you are reading this article, you are probably among the very small percentage of people that truly understand the responsibilities and liabilities that go along with the concealed carry lifestyle. You understand that making the decision to never become a victim was only the beginning of your ongoing training regimen. I will leave discussing the importance of that training regimen for another article. This article is about the importance of documenting or journaling it.   

When you train, learn, read, practice, drill, study, etc., you are doing so to become proficient. You are doing so to become an expert at it, because you know that for you to be effective in all the various aspects of self defense, you must have that level of proficiency both mentally and physically. This level of proficiency not only has value when it is needed, it has value in the courtroom when you are being tried on a claim of self defense. There is no question that you possessed the ability to defend yourself or your family. The question will be did you possess the proper knowledge, wherewithal, and proficiency needed to make the right decisions when inthat self defense situation. The only way you can prove that you did is if you journal everything that got you to that level. It’s that simple.   

Get yourself a journal and get in the habit of documenting everything you do to get better. Journal what you read, what you study, what books you bought and when, what paragraphs you read and when, what classes you took, when you dry fire practiced, what drills you worked on, your range trips, etc. There are apps you can use to log these things. I use a combination of a little paper, spiral bound notebook and apps on my phone. One of them that is excellent is the Concealed Carry Gun Tools app. It’s an excellent toolkit right on your phone.   

Journaling your journey of becoming the best, most responsible and knowledgable concealed carrying American is serious business. It could be the determining factor in proving your innocence the day you are sitting in front of a jury after protecting your family from the real criminal. 

Be Safe,

Joe Shahoud

Copyright 2019 – All Rights Reserved, Safe Family Defense, LLC

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